What are PRP (Platelet rich plasma) injections under eyes?
This is a rejuvenation treatment using under-eye injections of PRP. The PRP is created from a small amount of blood using a centrifuge to separate platelets from red blood cells. Concentrated platelets are then injected into the skin, microneedled, or both to help with various under-eye issues.
What causes dark circles under eyes?
One of the most common ares of concern is the undereye area. This is one of the first areas of the face to start showing age related changes. The skin in this area is very thin, with blood vessels close to the surface. This often leads to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the skin around the eyes. As collagen production declines, volume loss can affect the tear trough area. According to a recent paper in the Journal of Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigative Dermatology, three factors are thought to contribute to dark circles under eyes:
hyperpigmentation, a tendency for more dilated, thicker or increased number of capillaries and thinner skin in the under-eye area. The combination of these three factors provides a robust indication of the presence of infraorbital dark circles.1

How to treat dark circles under the eyes (besides PRP)?
The under-eye, or infraorbital area is difficult to treat,2 especially with natural results. Options include
- creams and serums
- resurfacing with lasers
- chemical peels
- dermal fillers
- fat transfer.
- In severe cases, surgery may be recommended.
Dermal fillers, consisting of injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) gel in this area requires a high degree of skill and may not give the desired results.3 Furthermore, the results are not always predictable as HA gels are extremely hydrophilic, meaning they can absorb a lot of water. In fact, a single molecule of hyaluronic acid can absorb up to 1000 times its weight in water.
How much do PRP or PRF injections under eyes cost?
At clinics in the Vancouver BC area, PRP injections under eyes can cost from 300 to more than 700. At our clinic, it costs:
- 250 for PRP and 300 for PRF under eyes when combined with a Vampire facial, or other PRP procedure (e.g. PRP Hair Restoration).
- 500 for PRP and 600 for PRF under eyes per treament when done as a separate booking by itself.
What are the benefits of PRP and PRF under-eye treatment? (according to research)
Several studies have now been published showing that PRP can help improve the under eye area. Here are a few:
One study from Germany treated 20 patients, ranging in age from 21 to 60, once a month for three treatments. Patients reported a high level of satisfaction including:
- higher levels of skin firmess and elasticity4
- no undesirable side effects or complications
Another study by Banihashemi involving 30 patients also reported fair to excellent improvement5 of:
- dark circles under eyes
- periorbital wrinkles
- nasolabial folds
- skin firmness
Al-Shami et al treated 50 patients for dark circles and showed6,7
- fair to significant improvement in 60% of patients
- more than 65% of patients were very satisfied or satisfied with their results
How well do PRP injections under eyes work?
As our clinic, the results are similar to the reported research. Most patients are very happy with the results of their treatments with PRP for under eyes.
It’s important to remember that results will vary. Some factors include:
- age
- ethnicity
- diet, lifestyle (e.g. smoking, alcohol, sleep, exercise, stress)
- amount of volume loss in the tear trough area
- presence or absence of fat bags (fat herniation) under the eyes
How many treaments are needed for PRP injections under eyes?
Although some patients report improvement with just one treatment, we usually recommend 3 sessions, spaced about one month apart. We often combine under eye PRP with a Vampire facial rejuvenation and other targeted PRP injections (e.g. for acne scars) during the same session.
How long to see improvement with PRP under eyes?
After the initial puffiness has settled (2-3 days), the improvement from PRP injections under eyes is very gradual, as it takes time for growth factors to rejuvenate and stimulate collagen production in the tissue. We track the results with our Visia Imaging system which is an objective way to show improvement. A few of our patients will see results even after the first injection, but for optimal results, a series of 3 is suggested.
How long do PRP under eye injections last?
Usually after a series of three treatments, the results will last for 6 months or longer.
What are the advantages of PRP compared to tear trough or under eye filler?
- PRP is much safer as it uses the body’s own healing mechanism
- PRP is natural as it comes from the patient’s own blood
- PRP promotes new collagen and new blood vessels
- Dermal filler can start to look unatural or lumpy, sometimes even weeks or months afterwards
- Dermal filler may migrate
- Dermal filler has a risk of vascular occlusion, which can lead to blindness, stroke or even worse.
Do PRP injections under eyes hurt?
When done properly by a well trained injector, the procedure is very comfortable. Most patients report a slight stinging sensation, rated about 2-3 out of 10 which lasts for a few minutes after injection. We use an ice pack which really helps soothe the area.
What are the risks and downtime for PRP injections in the under-eye area?
There will be some swelling and puffiness, which usually lasts a few days. Although some swelling is desired (we want the PRP to stay in the area for a few days to work), this can be regulated with the proper concentration of platelets (see next question about the best PRP for under eye injections). You might develop a temporary bruise.
Who is a good candidate for PRP under eye treatment?
Generally, PRP works well for improving fine lines and wrinkles and reducing the appearance of blood vessels under your eyes. For more severe eye hollowness, treatment with dermal filler might be recommended, or possibly a combination of filler and PRP.
Does PRP therapy work for under-eye bags?
PRP does not work well for under-eye bags. However, sometimes they can still be improved by other skin tightening procedures, or in some cases, surgery.
What is the best type of PRP to use for under eyes?
Ideally, the best PRP for under-eye should have the following characteristics:
- Platelet concentration between 500,00 to 1 million per microliter.
- Platelet composition higher than 95% (low red blood cells)
- White blood cell concentration lower than baseline (less than 4,000 per µL)
- Volume: approximately 1.5-2 mL per side.
- The only way to be sure of the above characteristics is to use a hematology analyzer to check the PRP just before use.
Hematology Analyzer used to test quality of PRP injections under eyes.

Why choose PRP Medical Aesthetics?
At PRP Medical Aesthetics, we specialize in PRP. We use only the highest concentration and purity PRP for all our treaments. We have tested and compared our PRP to others and the results speak for themselves.

Steps of PRP injection therapy in at PRP Medical Aesthetics
There are several steps to having a PRP Treatment at PRP Medical Aesthetics Clinic:
- Blood draw. We take about 17mL for eyes alone, or up to 60 mL for combination Vampire Facial and under eyes. This is 2-4x the small amount of blood that most clinics take. This is necessary to have enough platelets in the starting sample.
- With a separate, small blood sample, we test your baseline platelet counts using our hematology analyzer. If you have low platelets, we may recommend drawing more blood.
- We carefully proces your blood using a specialized centrifuge. This process usually takes about an hour as we have to go through several steps. A double-spin process is needed to obtain the highest possible concentration.
- We use a calibrated hematology analyzer to test the platelet concentration at several steps during this process.
- The final step to ensure quality: We test your sample for concentration, composition (purity), and calculate the final dose of platelets.
- Please note, if the final product is not concentrated enough, we may not perform the treatment as you will likely not see results. This hardly ever happens, but if it does, we can usually still get the procedure done, just not on the same day. We may need to do lab tests to determine if there is an underlying health problem, or sometimes start with more blood.
- Once everything is ready, the area is cleaned.
- Dr. Yam will carefully inject the PRP into the proper under the eye and usually the upper cheek to support as well.
How do we prepare you for PRP injections under the eyes?
In addition, the technician will carefully clean your face, and a photo analysis will be done with our Visia Imaging System. You will receive scores on:
- Skin texture and wrinkles
- UV damage
- Red Spots
- Brown Spots
- Porphyrins
- Skin Age (TruSkin Age)
After this, a prescription grade numbing cream will be applied to your face if you are also having the Vampire Facial done.
Summary: PRP can be an effective treatment for dark circles under eyes
- PRP under the eyes leads to a gradual, but very beautiful and natural improvement
- PRP improves eye dark circles, skin texture, volume loss and improves crepey skin.
- Improvement is very natural as the body is rebuilding with your own natural tissue.
- Improvement is very long lasting, often a year or longer
- PRP is generally very safe and well tolerated, with very low risk of side effects,
- Several studies which have demonstrated improvement in dark circles under eyes with PRP injections.
PRP comes from your own blood. It can be used in many areas of the body for both cosmetic and functional improvement. If you are looking for a way to improve improve dark circles, fine lines, wrinkles, and skin quality under the eye, PRP may be worth considering.
At PRP Medical Aesthetics, we specialize in the preparation of high quality, optimal concentration PRP. If you are interested in discussing how this or any other type of treatment might help you achieve your aesthetic goals, please feel free to contact us or book an appointment for a consultation today.
Academic References
- 1.Mac-Mary S, Zornoza Solinis I, Predine O, et al. <p>Identification Of Three Key Factors Contributing To The Aetiology Of Dark Circles By Clinical And Instrumental Assessments Of The Infraorbital Region</p> CCID. Published online December 2019:919-929. doi:10.2147/ccid.s217956
- 2.Nakra T, Vrcek I, Ozgur O. Infraorbital dark circles: A review of the pathogenesis, evaluation and treatment. J Cutan Aesthet Surg. Published online 2016:65. doi:10.4103/0974-2077.184046
- 3.Goldberg RA, Fiaschetti D. Filling the Periorbital Hollows With Hyaluronic Acid Gel: Initial Experience With 244 Injections. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. Published online September 2006:335-341. doi:10.1097/01.iop.0000235820.00633.61
- 4.Aust M, Pototschnig H, Jamchi S, Busch KH. Platelet-rich Plasma for Skin Rejuvenation and Treatment of Actinic Elastosis in the Lower Eyelid Area. Cureus. Published online July 18, 2018. doi:10.7759/cureus.2999
- 5.Banihashemi M, Hamidi Alamdaran D, Nakhaeizadeh S. Effect of Platelets Rich Plasma on Skin Rejuvenation. ijp ; Int J Pediatr. Published online May 2014. doi:10.22038/ijp.2014.2718
- 6.Mehryan P, Zartab H, Rajabi A, Pazhoohi N, Firooz A. Assessment of efficacy of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on infraorbital dark circles and crow’s feet wrinkles. J Cosmet Dermatol. Published online March 2014:72-78. doi:10.1111/jocd.12072
- 7.Al-Shami SH. Treatment of Periorbital Hyperpigmentation Using Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections. j.ajdv. 2014;2014(3):87-94. doi:10.5923/j.ajdv.20140305.03