PRP P-Shot Vancouver: What’s the best type of PRP therapy for sexual health and penile enhancement? (Priapus Shot®)

Key Points if considering the P-Shot
- The P-Shot is a comfortable, non-invasive procedure using natural PRP from the patient’s blood.
- PRP is used to stimulate improved bloodflow and circulation, which improves erectile function.
- The P-Shot® won’t work for everyone. There are patient factors and PRP factors to consider.
- Patient factors include medical history, lifestyle and health conditions which must be considered.
- PRP factors include using a high quality PRP kit and checking concentration and quality for every treatment.
- The P-Shot® may promote penile enhancement (increased girth and length).
- Multiple treatments may work best for some patients.
- Before deciding on PRP, a medical consultation is needed to consider other aspects of men’s health such as hormone levels including testosterone and thyroid.
How does the P-Shot work?
Erectile dysfunction, is a very common problem, affecting millions of men. Up to 52% of men between 40-70 years have some degree of ED1. The P-Shot® is a cutting edge, non-surgical treatment for erectile dysfunction. Platelet-rich plasma contains natural growth factors which stimulate cellular repair and regeneration. Over time, this improves blood flow and the result is better erections. This procedure known offically as the Priapus Shot® was invented by Dr. Charles Runels in 2010, who was the first to inject PRP for this purpose. Since then thousands of patients around the world receive this treatment every year.
The P-Shot has been available in Vancouver and the lower mainland for over 5 years. Many Vancouver men have taken advantage of this safe and effective treatment to improve sexual performance. But the P-Shot won’t work for everyone, and there are several important factors to consider if you’re thinking about this procedure.
What is PRP, platelet rich plasma therapy?
PRP therapy involves using the patient’s own blood to create platelet-rich concentrated plasma, which contains several different growth factors which stimulate the cells of the body. PRP injections are considered very safe, and used in various medical and surgical fields including sports medicine, orthopedic surgery, maxillofacial and oral surgery, ophthalmology, dermatology, wound care, and plastic surgery.2 PRP is a form of regenerative medicine, and can be used to treat a variety of health conditions. PRP regenerates and rejuvenate tissues through many growth factors and cytokines, by recruiting stem cells, and induction of the healing process.3 See this post for basic information about PRP.
What the best type of PRP for the P-Shot?

There are many different types of PRP kits being used around the world today. Most of them use a centrifuge to separate the blood into two major layers, plasma and red blood cells. The separation can be done once (single-spin) or twice (double-spin). There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of preparations, but in general double-spin gives much higher platelet concentrations, which is very important for procedures like the P-Shot®, O-Shot or PRP for knees and other joints. Besides concentration, there are other factors to consider as well, such as the purity and overall dose of platelets. For more information, please see this page: the best type of PRP.
Does the Priapus P-Shot® really work for ED treatment?
Multiple clinical studies have shown that PRP can improve erectile function, but no treatment is perfect and the P-Shot® will not work for everyone. For the best results and maximum rejuvenation, the PRP has to be very high quality (see above), and each patient’s medical history should be carefully considered. This is especially true for men with health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, alcohol use and more.
Besides sexual health, does the P-Shot improve penis size, length, or girth?
In addition to treating male sexual dysfunction, studies have shown that the P Shot may improve penis length and girth. This cosmetic effect is especially true when combined with regular use of a vacuum erection device (VED, or penis pump). In general, patients experience more growth with repeated treatments. One study of over a thousand patients received the P-Shot showed an average gain of 7mm in length for each treatment they had.4 However, male enhancement is not the focus of the P-Shot and there are other procedures which may be more effective at increasing size (e.g. hyaluronic acid).
Can the P-Shot improve a curved penis (Peyronie’s disease) or Lichen Sclerosus?
While Priapus shot® is know to treat erectile dysfunction and improve sexual function, studies have shown that this treatment can also improve conditions such as Peyronie’s disease (curved penis) and lichen sclerosus.5,6 Peyronie’s disease occurs when abnormally thickened tissue develops around the corpus cavernosum along the shaft of the penis. Lichen sclerosus is an inflamatory skin condition often affecting the glans and shaft of the penis. Traditionally, Peyronie’s is difficult to treat. Although some injectable drugs have been developed (eg. Xiaflex®) they are not without risk. Lichen sclerosus is usually treatable with steroid creams, but these also have risks, ie. thinning and weakening the skin over time.
Who is a good candidate for the P-Shot®?
It’s important to remember that there are many factors responsible for sexual sensation and pleasure. Overall, anything that improves blood flow to the penile shaft will enhance sexual function. Men of all ages who respond well to drugs like Viagra or Cialis will often see improvement in male sexual dysfunction from the P-Shot®. Conversely, if there are other conditions which reduce blood flow (e.g. high blood sugar, hypertension, smoking), these can interfere with good erectile function. Hormone levels such as testosterone should also be considered, as low testosterone may contribute to ED.
Is the P-Shot PRP injection painful?
At PRP Medical Aesthetics, we have developed ways to make the P-Shot a practically painless procedure by using a special topical numbing cream combined with an optional nerve block using local anesthetic. Most patients report almost no pain at all.
What are the risks of a P-Shot injection?
While platelet rich plasma therapy in general is considered a type of experimental treatment, a large number of clinical research studies have demonstrated that overall, PRP injection is very safe. Risks include pain (minimized by using a special numbing cream), bruising, bleeding or infection. If a penis pump is also used for ED, it’s important to be careful and not use too much pressure, which could cause tissue damage and side effects such as loss of sensation.
How much does it cost for the P-Shot Vancouver?
The P-Shot (Priapus shot®) in the Vancouver area costs starts around 1500 CAD although some clinics may charge thousands more. In some cases this is because they are offering a series of treatments or in combination with other treatments such as Shockwave therapy.
How many P-Shot treatments for ED are needed?
The number of P-Shot treatments needed will depend on the patient. At PRP Medical Aesthetics, we use a modified clinical scoring survey known as the EDIS to keep track of the severity of symptoms. Possible scores on the EDIS range from 5 (very low) to 25 (perfect erectile function). In general, patients usually report improvements of around 5-7 points on the EDIS about 6-8 weeks after a single P-Shot treatment. Patients who start in the middle or higher on the scale tend to see improvements faster. If more improvement is desired, then repeat procedures could be considered. At our clinic, repeat procedures cost less than the first one.
What are other erectile dysfunction treatments in Vancouver?
More traditional treatments for ED available in Vancouver include pharmaceuticals like Viagra® and Cialis®, available with a doctor’s prescription7,8. For patients who are low in testosterone, hormone replacement may be an option. Reducing risk factors such as alcohol use and smoking can help, along with regular exercise. In addition some clinics may administer more cutting-edge treatments like Shockwave therapy.
What to expect after a P-Shot?
There is usually no downtime with the P-Shot and patients may go back to regular activities, including intercourse within 24 hours. Many men report a sense of fullness right after the procedure which may feel unusual but not uncomfortable. For the first few hours, caution is advised as numbing agents in the anaesthetic are still wearing off.
When will I see results after the P-Shot®?
It takes a few weeks to see improvement after the P-Shot. Patients report increased firmness and overall stronger erections. Sensitivity may be improved, although this can take longer as nerves are slower to regenerate than blood vessels.
Why choose PRP Medical Aesthetics for your P-Shot®?
At PRP Medical Aesthetics, we specialize in all types of PRP treatments. Dr. Yam is a registered provider of the P-Shot® since 2017, and has performed hundreds of procedures, with overall good results. Our patients have reported improvement in in erectile function as well as increases in penile size and length, and improvement in Peyronie’s disease. Dr. Yam has also given expert talks to international medical organizations, teaching physicians around the world about PRP and the P-Shot® for organizations such as IMCAS Academy and the Forum of Adipose Tissue and Stem Cells, based in Singapore, Malaysia.
At PRP Medical Aesthetics, we know how to make PRP with very high quality in terms of platelet concentration, purity (low in RBCs and WBCs), as well as high dose of platelets overall. We also test every sample before use to make sure it is at the highest level of quality. More importantly, we understand that PRP will not work for everyone and will not offer the procedure without first taking into consideration other factors, including overall health and specific medical history such as metabolic, heart health, and more.
We also treat other men’s health issues such as testosterone replacement with BioTe and can test for overall hormone balance including thyroid and even bioidentical hormone replacement for women as well.
Book a Consultation
If you’re considering any PRP treatments, you’re not alone. We invite you to come in for a no obligation consultation with Dr. Yam to discuss how we might be able to help. To book an appointment, please contact us, call or use our convenient online booking form.
Academic References
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- 3.Alves R, Grimalt R. A Review of Platelet-Rich Plasma: History, Biology, Mechanism of Action, and Classification. Skin Appendage Disord. Published online July 6, 2017:18-24. doi:10.1159/000477353
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